Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ben and Linds December Hello!!!

Hello Jade and Kelp!                                                                                        12/14/13
Sisters, I just want you to know I miss you like crazy. I hope your first Christmas out on the mish is wonderful and joyful and you don't even notice you're in different states. I hope all the people out there give you a bunch of Christmas candy and fatten you both up!
Well, I just wanted to tell you I love you and catch you up a bit.
First off,
Jade...that birthday card you sent me was beyond hilarious. Ben pulled out the glove and was like " this...." I decided not to tell him the story behind it because he might have had a germaphobe attack. I am glad you're loving Georgia, and all the insane people over there. I truly can only imagine the stories you hear every day. Thank you for sending me all your emails. I freaking love getting them each week. I make sure all the other ladies get them as well! Jade, I have a nice picture that I will send you in the mail soon, I think you'll appreciate it. Love you Jade! I look forward to hearing about the hilarious Christmas presents you'll be making for your members out there.

Kelp! What up girl? I haven't heard much from you, but from what I read on the blog your mom updates, you're doing fabulous! I hope that's true and you're not just saying stuff like that in your letters home to ease mom and dad. I'm sure you really are doing that great. I miss you! Cannot believe you've been out for over 7 months. You must be like a head honcho out there. Is Virginia just BEAUTIFUL this time of year? I can only imagine, I'm so jealous you get to spend 18 months in one of the prettiest places on the planet! I hope your Christmas is so much fun!

Well ladies, not a whole lot has been going on with Ben and I. Still in the parents basement, making mucho $$$....not really, but it's been pretty fun actually. My Granny and Grandad arrived the second week of December and they are staying at my parents house until sometime in January! So we get to share the holiday with the Scots! My Mom has already had to refill all the candy dishes around the house at least 3 times, that's how I know it's Christmas time. Ben is taking his finals next week, it'll be nice for him to have a bit of a break from school, as it will for all of our friends at school this semester. I think it's been a really tough few months for everyone! They're troopers. I actually got a promotion at my job! I have graduated from being a teller finally! I'm moving from the Orem office over to the Pleasant Grove office, where Chris works! I'll be down in the basement doing loan stuff though, so that part might sound a bit boring. I am very excited though, I start in a couple days! Our friend Christmas party is coming up in about a week, we will miss you two so much! We'll be sure to take some great photo's for you =]

Well ladies, I am very sorry I haven't gotten any photo's to send you right now, Ben and I have done nothing photo worthy, rather boring actually. BUT, have a very very happy Christmas and a Merry New Year! Love you to BITS! Hope you're doing great and staying happy, can't wait to see you both again!

Love, Linds and Ben

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mallor's June

Well hello Kelp!! I miss you ever so much and I hope you're having so much fun! Wedding planning is just coming along slowly but surely. We did our registry the other night. I picked up my dress and we had engagement pictures done last weekend! So that was really fun. We will get them back in like 2 weeks and we're really excited to see. We drove up the Alpine Loop and stopped at pretty places. ALSO I forgot I haven't told you - we got an apartment!!! It is a basement apartment near the mall! We called them the day it was posted on KSL and 3 other couples did the same....but for some crazy reason the landlord picked us to have it! Miraculous! It is a SUPER nice place. Chris is going to move in on July 2nd! Can't wait to show you all :) Here's us post-engagements looking all nice and stuff. 

I don't know if I had told you before you left, but my Aunt Sarah bought me a ticket to go stay with her for a week in Texas! So I did that! It was SO MUCH FUN. They live near Ft. Hood military base cause my Uncle is in the air force, so he drove us on this 5-mile road on base where all the artillery is kept - so many tanks and so many dollars.....They have a pond near their house with TONS of turtles in it and we fed them bread! There are at least 12504295% more bugs and critters in Texas than in Utah. Over by the pond there was this huge tree with the middle of it hollowed out and my cousin told me there is a giant snake that lives in it, and we went to check it out, and there were duck feathers all over the tree, and was a mangled up duck laying by it with it's foot ripped off! Super gruesome. Not to mention we saw tons of frogs and beetles and lizards everywhere. We also drove down to San Antonio and saw the Alamo and went to Sea World! It was so great just chillin' wit my cousins and taking a break from life.


The Alamo



Feeding sea lions

Island hike
Feeding turtles!!

Oh and my aunt has a KITTEN. Heaven!!

 Also, Wyatt graduated this month! Such a great kid.

Here is the best Snapchat I got this month.....courtesy of Lindsey

And here is my favorite Pinterest picture as of late:

Love you all!!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

B & L June (revised)

Lindsey and Bennamin’s June:
So June has been a pretty good month for Ben and I! We spent the first few weeks just working our bums off so we could have some money to spend on our vacation to Virginia with Ben’s family! In between working all dang day and all dang night, Ben played on an Orem rec softball team with my brothers and a couple other people from my old neighborhood. It was fun seeing them all play, but they didn’t get very far in the playoffs and finished up around the middle of June. 

                So on the 14th Ben and I flew out to Virginia to visit his Grandma and aunt, and spend a week on the beach. It wasn’t the best weather while we were there, but we were able to catch some rays, ride on scooters, eat tons of ice cream, see the AMAZING scenery (seriously, I think Kelsey is in the most beautiful state in the US), and swim in the ocean! We stayed on the cutest little island in an adorable house. I got to spend some time with Ben’s grandma that I really only got to meet for a couple of hours the day before our wedding. One of my very favorite things about being married is getting 2 more sets of wonderful grandparents and in laws. It was such a fun trip and I can’t wait to go back next year! 

I HATE how much I look like Mandi Call in this, but the sun was in my face! (That's a turtle fyi)

Ignore Ben's Boobies.
                On a quick note, I don’t know how many of my friends have actually met my Grandmother (My dad’s mom). She’s the one that lives in Orem and has been fighting Alzheimer’s for the last 10 years. Well over Memorial Day weekend we were told that her body is finally shutting down, and last night (June 23rd) she passed away, her funeral is this Friday. It's been hard, but I'm just overwhelmed with joy that she gets to see my Grandpa again after 21 years. 

                Alright, I have some nominees for this month’s best snapchats
Drum roll…….

 And this one just made me laugh SO hard. (Please tell me you remember this Kelsey!)

That’s all for us!
-Da Jenks.

Jerd's June

Arright! Hello, Jerd here. So Jerd's June was quite eventful. First there was this whole ordeal:
Turns out that that is actually the flag of the country of Georgia. After a small nervy B and a quick Google search I discovered that the there is no Atlanta, Georgia in Eurasia. Never mind the fact that I have been assigned to speak English and that the map inside of my packet was of the state. I lost all cognitive reasoning at that point. But alas, all is well. Especially because now I KNOW I have a chance of seeing Paula Deen down there.
What a sight THAT would be. Next we had this little ditty:
I don't know if you guys know, but I am a huge fan. Love dat socca.
So my Dad is in the land of rice and short people. AKA China. So for father's day Haley and I just bought these Asian foods from the international section in Smith's to celebrate.
Turns out ALL of them were actually from Japan. But who cares, so what? Also, this is my newest baby! Her name is Anya!
Can you even handle the cute? Other than these lovelies, I have just been working all the days. You should see my tan line, its wicked. I'll have to post a picture at the end of the summer. And here is a picture of me and my dog for good measure:
"Your eye lashes taste like baby angel tears." I guess thats all for me for now. Love you guys! Keep it real. -Jadenicolemadison

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Welcome, friends!

Okay, guys. So for this, just think of like a relief society monthly newsletter or whatever. You guys need to remember to write Kelsey and Jade your own letters when you get the chance. This will just be something fun just to make sure they get something from their friends at least once a month! I will give you a list of what I would like you all to be collecting and sending. You can send anything you want, though. I will make sure you guys get a chance to proofread and look over the finished product before I send it out :)

-Snapchat Screenshots!! I want to make this a regular 'column'. So if you guys have hilarious or hideous snapchats of each other, Kelsey and Jade want to see them!

-Pictures, pictures, pictures. Don't feel obligated to only upload pictures of all of us together. Let's face it, sometimes we don't see each other in a whole month. You can upload pictures of you and your boyfriend, or you and your dog, or you and your family, or whatever you want. You can of course also include pictures in the emails and letters you write them, too.

-Pictures you find online. If you see something funny or an inspiring quote on Pinterest or Facebook, and you feel like Kelsey and Jade would enjoy them, upload them! Just make sure they're appropriate.

-Any big news you want to include. Engagements, new boyfriends, new jobs, new cars, if you're moving, birthdays, vacations/trips, injuries, concerts, prizes, etc. This will also be good for the rest of us because we can keep each other updated this way!
-Funny quotes or funny moments. If someone said something funny, or you have a funny story post it!

  If you guys have any other suggestions or ideas PLEASE express them!! I'm excited for this because not only will they enjoy it, we'll be informed about each other's lives as well!!

PLEASE try upload everything by the last Saturday of every month.

I will try to remind you guys when it gets close to the deadline.

I love you girls.